

In the present society the rich are getting richer and the poor remain poor. Whatever the reasons for this, they are unnecessary. Reducing poverty in our country is our best duty as a citizen of the India. I have come forward to do my part to help. I want to provide at least essential commodities to the poor people with my help like food, shelter, and clothing these three are basic needs of a man. so, I want to give essential commodities like rice, pulses, oil etc. to help the poor people I will do my best to spread this service program all over the country. it is not possible foe me alone so, I want you to stand with me. I want to be an example of service to the society and keep you with me


Even though our country has Technically advanced, the poor people have not changed much and did not stand up for them. Today, man has created a variety of clothes to show off his appearance but, poor people do not have proper clothes to cover themselves. I want to help them as much as I can. As a part of this, I have decided to use the money received by DONATIONS to provide quality clothes to them. As we have observed, homeless people do not have blankets to protect themselves in the winter season, I want to distribute blankets to those who sleep on the road footpaths, bus stations, junctions, etc. I will do my best to spread this service program all over India.


Education is the minimum human right but, education is only available to some people. Nowadays, in 100% only 80% of people are educated, and the remaining 20% of people are uneducated. This 20% of people tend to be child laborers. The main reason for this education is too expensive nowadays. Currently, people are showing more passion for private schools than government schools. Because of this poor children remain poor. Because of this, The word EDUCATION is a hidden treasure in their lives. I’m here to help their lives get better. School fees, books, bags, etc. Needs will be provided by us. So please support us.


Every person has a unique and unusual talent. Some of them choose to make their talent their line of work but in the case of people who cannot afford the material cost often struggle to meet their ends. NGOs came forward to help the persons in need providing them with materials related to their special profession. Material help, such as tailoring machines, mechanical tools, etc., and for the persons who don’t have a proper place to start up their plan, our organization intended to offer them shops shed. I solemnly request you to help us make this program a success.


Health is a fundamental human right. Desiderius Erasmus once said ‘Prevention is better than cure’. Non-governmental organizations planned to conduct general medical camps and ENT/Dental camps. The main aim of the medical camp is to provide initial care to people. We also volunteered to run a blood camp, where it is simple to identify fatal infections. Health examinations and tests at the early stages of the illness can help to cure it faster and save a life before it can cause any damage. I request you help us organize this medical camp program as planned.


Plant towards a brighter future. Plants are the main sources of the air we breathe. Plants and trees make this planet worth living. Without the existence of trees, we cannot imagine life on Earth. We know that global warming has become a major concern in the world. The primary approach to combat global warming is Plantation. I’m here to contribute to this plantation program and I hope you all lend a helping hand and together we can make this program a success.


Motherhood is the most precious gift and as well as ultimate responsibility. Malnutrition during pregnancy has the potential to lead to later health disparities in children, such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Furthermore, mothers experiencing poverty tend to have a diet lacking fruits and vegetables, which provide necessary micronutrients for fetal development. Socioeconomic status (SES) is one of the most important factors associated with medical outcomes. We (NGOs) are helping lower SES pregnant women by providing them with a healthy protein diet and also conducting prenatal and postnatal counseling which provides a chance for a woman to sort through any conflicting emotions and bolster her mental wellness with supportive care. This is our solemn request for lending a helping hand and making every mother happy.


It is relating to the end of a person’s life or of the world. Last Journey puts its effort into helping the mourners by all possible means. We take responsibility for every task associated with the last journey for orphanages. Some of the main services are, Regarding funerals and cremation, our team is. Arrangements in the funeral ceremony and funeral procession. We can provide a coffin box, freezer box, and vehicle for transporting the orphanage body. We will be providing sacred “ ANTIM SANSKAR SAMAGRI ” for the cremation ritual. You can take help from our organization in bringing up our support.